Monday, August 17, 2009

Time's a Fly'n

How quick time flies. I was at a Court of Honor for an Eagle Scout. This young man I've known for only a few years, but he was young and small when I first met him. There was a slide show at the end of his Court of Honor that showed pictures from his life. The progression of the slides represented a more mature and older young man. His dad and I were talking together afterward, and we wondered how all of this could happen so fast. Even my own older daughter that is 15 is making comments about how fast time gets by.

We are reminded in 1 Peter that we are here only for a "little while." We can't waste our time doing the things that the world wants us to do. We need to do things that are required of us by God to show obedience and subjection to Him. If we have our hope in His inheritance, then our passion will be those things that draw ourselves and others closer to Him. We don't have long here on earth as aliens to do what God has for us to do. If we sit on our haunches and let our kids grow up with no spiritual leadership from us as parents, then we are failing our own Father. If we don't teach them from scripture and also how to take in scripture themselves, then we have not done what scripture itself has for us. If we don't make a move to help someone else find Jesus, then we are lazy and are what the Bible calls a sluggard.

Yes, times are hard and we are all busy. If you have kids at home you are even busier. But remember we only have a "little while" here, and we have them to train for an even shorter time.

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