Monday, September 28, 2009

As The World Turns (faster and faster...)

The theatrics of TV and movies make us laugh, and move us to think that we're glad our life isn't like what we're seeing. Right now I think I would take some of what we may see on the tube over what is happening in the world I'm living in today. I have friends that are not getting paychecks that have children. I have friends that are working over 60 and 70 hours a week to make ends meet, and they are being frivolous. I've got a friend that is a single dad and has to depend on others to make things work with his sons. I have a friend that has a son dying right before her eyes, and I've not been there for her in weeks. I've got a mother that doesn't know when I last came to visit her. She knows it has been a while. The sad part is that if I visit her tomorrow she won't remember it the next day. My super active dad is no longer as active and could use my help at times, but I'm not there for him. I have four children that each has his or her own things going on. I have a wife that is so overworked that I don't know how to help, in all my spare time. I'm a part of the Church that is to reach out to those we don't know and help them with their needs.

One other thing I have. I have a God that loves me and knows my burdens and wants my burden to be light. He is willing to carry the load if I'll just give it to Him. He is so concerned about me that if I would just sit down and talk to Him, He would listen for hours. I'm sure my wife and kids wished that of me. He's the kind of God that takes care of those that are brought to Him in prayer. I keep wanting to take care of all the problems myself and I realize that I can't. I think I'm realizing, yet again, that I need to take it to God. I need to trust God enough that He'll provide what is needed to each of the situations I see.

Would you pray for me? Would you pray for my friends and family? Will you please pray for yourself? Let us lift each other up in prayer. Earnestly seek God's will in your life and in the lives of those we see, realizing that what we want for them may be different than what God has planned. We are here on earth for just a little while; and it seems to be getting faster and faster. Don't forget that God can make your load lighter if you'll let Him. Take your burdens and also take everyone else to Him. He's in control.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kid's rule, Dads drool? I don't think so!

We hear the adage that "when momma's not happy, no one's happy." The psychothinktoomuchologist seem to think that dads need to be softer to their boys or we'll tend to make them tough. Professional football players have become a bunch of puddin's that can't play because they have sore toes. Where on this ozone-laden earth are the real men? The men that work for a living and are glad to get what they earned. The men that don't complain when a boss asks them to do something extra to help the company (or just to see if a man is willing to go the extra mile, Matt 5:41). Why must a man join in conversations bashing other men about wrong things they did? Why do men follow their wives to church to make life easy?

Some males just need to grow (up) some and stand for what is right. The Bible is clear that the man is the head of the family(Eph. 5&6). They are to lead, lead by example. Pray and pray hard, teach the Word of God to the kids, don't wait on the preacher to do it. Endure trials as they come, and love life.

It is good to seek the knowledge and insight of our wives about the education of our children as well as when deciding what church to attend and even what to allow our daughters to wear. Even the children can have input into major decisions, however, we must consider the amount of practical experience they possess. Dig into the word then make a Godly decision (it may not seem logical). Even if it seems wrong, God will bless it because the decision was made in the right way. The wife is to submit to the husband when the decision is made and support him. I realize this is not popular in today's culture, even in the church. As far as the children are concerned, Ephesians 6 says children are to obey their parents. That means do what they say. The man of the home is the head.

I've been guilty before of not following the Biblical mandate to lead my family and things get a little crazy when I've failed to do this. Sometimes if a man is convicted by the Spirit to take charge of his family after having given in to pressure for a long period of time, there is resentment and counter pressure from the family. As I said before, God will bless it. I'm not saying it will be easy, because it is never easy to lead people out of the sin that you yourself led them into.

Start with repenting and crying out to God for redemption. Then begin reading scripture together. Ask for the self discipline, and provide the heart to have the self discipline, to have regular consistent Bible time. Pray together daily. The whole family praying is pleasing to God and it teaches your children to pray. Attend a church that teaches the Bible rightly, not what makes you feel good. Know doctrine and hold your pastor or elders accountable to what he preaches. Hold your fellow men accountable to the Word of God. Meet with them in humbleness and meekness, knowing that you have been in their shoes, and communicate what God has for you to say to them. Lead by example. Pray, read, hang with Godly men, reach out to the ungodly men with the word, stand up, carry the Sword of Truth and be a man for the kids and wife's sake.

I don't have the actual statistics right in front of me right now, but a father that leads his family in the ways of Christ has over a 90% chance of his children following. If the dad doesn't lead the numbers drop off dramatically. A fathers role can not be taken lightly, nor is it an easy row to hoe. It takes time, sacrifice and love. The work we do here on earth is only for a short while (I Peter 1:6) and the incentives are truly beyond this world.