Monday, June 29, 2009

Jesus: mean, manic or Majestic

Who was the real Jesus? Was He who He claimed to be? Who did He claim to be? In my travels I have had opportunities to speak to many about Jesus and who He is. I've heard it said that he was a really great guy that He did really great things. Some will say that He is the Son of God; however, their view of God is so small that it belittles what Jesus is, the Christ.

When we ask people if they believe that Jesus was a fraud or a liar about who he was, most Americans would come un-glued. I have never heard anyone state they believe Jesus was a fraud. That says a lot about "the man" himself. If what the man was saying about himself (He is the Son of God, all authority was given to Him, and so forth) be truthful in his own mind, then that leads us to only two other possible conclusions. One of these would have to be true.

The first option would be that he were a mad man, crazy, out of this world insane and in need of some serious medication. There are these people out there. David Koresh thought himself to be the next messiah and he took many down with him. Jim Jones in South America claimed to have a direct link to God and he took many to their graves with himself. We can find these men throughout history that have deceived many a man all the way to hell itself. It would be like someone thinking they were Napolean living today as the great general himself. Many would like him and put up with his antics, but no logical human would follow a lunatic. Jesus was followed. Jesus was a mentor to many. Jesus said some really radical things and shared some outrageous philosophies. While being radical, outrageous, and different than any other, He was consistent, level-headed and emotionally balanced in his daily walk. Jesus had no fear. He loved children and the old. He loved the clean and the dirty. He touched the healthy and the lepers. He walked in large crowds speaking to them as he went and He walked alone in the wilderness and in the gardens to talk to His Dad.

Our only option left is that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is who He said He is. And if He is who is He is, then who are we? We are the ones He came to save from hell. Jesus is all we need. Joseph Smith Jr. came and said he was here to restore the genuine church. I've got news for him and his followers, Jesus already did that. That task is done. Jim Jones came and took hundreds if not thousands to South America because he had a special connection with God, but he didn't. The Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) believe that you can't understand the Bible without their book. Muhammad has had an impact on the world second only to Jesus the Christ. All of these came and went. They're all dead; except Jesus is not. He has no grave site. He has no marker as to where His body decayed. He said he would be shamed, murdered and after three days rise up and live physically; and He did. Now He is at the right hand of His Dad. He loves all of us, and wants us to follow his leadership for the little while we are here on earth, so that we can have an inheritance with Him forever and ever.

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